World Environment Day

Our home is 4.5 billion years old and seen from above is a large blue ball. We are talking about our planet, our most important resource. For this reason, in addition to Earth Day on April 22, the world environment day is celebrated on June 5, because taking care of the earth is never enough and we must remember it every day. From an early age.

Here are some tips to educate your children to respect the environment and nature. Are you ready to become little ecologists?


Plastic, metal, cardboard, dry: understanding where to correctly place a waste is difficult for an adult, let alone a child. It is also important to pay attention to waste. How? By teaching children to recycle. Jars or cardboard boxes can take on new life in seconds: pen holders, containers, colored jars and whoever has more. If you have a garden, teach them that household wet waste can turn into a natural fertilizer for plants. Children will be fascinated by it.


Explain to your children how important is to not pollute the air we breathe. There is always an alternative way to move compared to the car, if there is not a long way to go, it is good to move on foot or by bicycle and do some fitness. Small tips for all parents: Instead of taking the kids to school every day in the car you could try to organize a sort of car-pooling between parents, or in turn every morning a parent accompanies the kids to school. A nice way for your children to socialize with the classmates.


Water is a precious asset, it is good not to waste it, especially during a shower. Idea: try to set a stopwatch every time you take a shower and have fun every time to beat the speed record for the cleanest and most showered child or run a timer and set a small prize if they finish before the timer sounds. And I recommend: while you brush your teeth, the tap is closed!

We are sure that with these small daily teachings we will have budding ecologists, ready to help the planet and all its creatures. And how about celebrating the international environment day with a nice walk in the middle of nature? It would be the perfect way to celebrate the beauty of the earth with whole family.